Examples from Incropera and DeWitt 4th ed.

Topic Link
Example 1.1: Steady conduction through the wall of an industrial furnace HTML
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Example 1.2: Convection and radiation heat transfer from horizontal steam pipe HTML
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Example 1.3: Temperature variation in an electrically heated rod HTML
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Example 1.5: Combined conduction, convection and radiation on a furnace wall HTML
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Example 1.6: Combined Radiation and Convection on Flat Plate HTML
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Example 3.1: Steady Conduction through a plane, composite wall HTML
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Example 3.3: Steady conduction through a conical system of circular cross-section HTML
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Example 3.5: Steady conduction through an insulated spherical shell HTML
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Example 3.6: Composite plane wall with heat generation HTML
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Example 3.7: Long cylindrical tube with heat generation HTML
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Example 3.10: Finned sleeve heatsink HTML
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Example 9.4: Horizontal isothermal cylinder with natural convection and radiation HTML
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Example 9.5: Natural convection in horizontal circular cylinder annulus HTML
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Example 13.5: Radiation in concentric tubes HTML
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Example 13.6: Triangular duct with reradiating surface HTML
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