ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Example 13.5 of 4th edition of Fundamentals of Heat Transfer and
Mass Transfer by Incropera and DeWitt, 1996.
1. Surfaces are diffuse and gray.
2. Spa ce between tubes is evacuated.
3. Radiation shield is very thin and has high conductvity;
its conduction resistance is negligible.
4. Concentric tubes form a long, two-dimensional enclosure.
> restart:
System parameters without and with shield
(D1 = 20/1000, D2 = 50/1000, epsilon1 = 0.02, epsilon2 = 0.05, T1 = 77, T2 = 300, sigma = 5.67e-8);
(D1 = 20/1000, D2 = 50/1000, D3 = 35/1000, epsilon1 = 0.02, epsilon2 = 0.05, epsilon3 = 0.02, T1 = 77, T2 = 300, sigma = 5.67e-8);
Heat transfer rate per unit length of tube
Qsys:= (Eb1 - Eb2)/Rsys;
Eb1:= sigma*T1^4; Eb2:= sigma*T2^4;
Radiative resistance of the system without and with shield
> Rsys_wo:= Rs1 + R12 + Rs2;
> Rsys_w:= Rs1 + R13 + Rs31 + Rs32 + R32 + Rs2;
Rs1:= (1 - epsilon1)/(A1*epsilon1);
Rs2:= (1 - epsilon2)/(A2*epsilon2);
Rs31:= (1 - epsilon3)/(A3*epsilon3);
Rs32:= (1 - epsilon3)/(A3*epsilon3);
R12:= 1/(A1*F12); R13:= 1/(A1*F13); R32:= 1/(A3*F32);
F12:= 1; F13:= 1; F32:= 1;
Geometric parameters per unit length
> A1:= Pi*D1; A2:= Pi*D2; A3:= Pi*D3;
Computation of the radiative resistances without and with shield
> Rsys1:= evalf(subs(sys_without, Rsys_wo), 5);
> Rsys2:= evalf(subs(sys_with, Rsys_w), 5);
Computation of heat transfer rates without and with shield
> Qsys1:= evalf(subs(Rsys = Rsys1, sys_without, Qsys), 5);
> Qsys2:= evalf(subs(Rsys = Rsys2, sys_with, Qsys), 5);
Percent change in the heat gain
> percent_change:= evalf((Qsys2 - Qsys1)/Qsys1*100, 4);
The percent change in the heat gain is approximately - 50%.