ME 353 Heat Transfer 1

M.M. Yovanovich


Example 3.1 of 4th edition of Incropera and DeWitt.

> restart:

> syspar:= (k[A]=0.15, k[B]=0.08, T[w]=400, T[a]=400, T[infinity]=25, T[so] = 50, h[i]=25, h[r]=25, h[o]=25);

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1. Steady-state conditions.

2. Conduction through window is one-dimensional.

3. Contact resistance is negligible.

4. Radiation absorption within the window is negligible.

5. Radiation exchange between window outer surface and surroundings is negligible.

6. Plastic materials are homogeneous and properties are constant.

Equivalent thermal circuit.

The equivalent thermal circuit consists of five resistors and six temperature nodes. The oven wall and air temperature are equal: [Maple Math] , the inner surface temperature is [Maple Math] and the outer surface temperature is [Maple Math] . The outer air temperature is denoted as [Maple Math] . The glass temperature is [Maple Math] . The heat transfer from the interior of the oven is lost at the outer surface into the surroundings.

System heat transfer rate..

> Q[sys]:= (T[w] - T[so])/R[sys];

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Heat loss from oven into surroundings.

> Q[loss]:= h[o]*A*(T[so] - T[infinity]);

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Heat balance.

> HeatBalance:= Q[sys]=Q[loss];

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System overall resistance.

> R[sys]:= R[A] + R[B] + 1/(1/R[fin] + 1/R[rad]);

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Component resistances.

> Resistances:= (R[A] = L[A]/(k[A]*A), R[B] = L[B]/(k[B]*A), R[fout]=1/(h[o]*A), R[fin]=1/(h[i]*A), R[rad]=1/(h[r]*A));

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> eq1:= subs(syspar, L[A] = 2*L[B], subs(Resistances, HeatBalance));

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Now substitute [Maple Math] and solve for the unknown thickness [Maple Math] .

> eq2:= subs(A=1, eq1);

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> LB:= solve(eq2, L[B]);

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> LA:= 2*LB;

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> L:= evalf((LA + LB)*1000, 4)*mm;

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