ME 353 Heat Transfer 1

M.M. Yovanovich


Example 3.5 of 4th edition of Incropera and DeWitt.

Steady conduction through an insulated spherical shell with convection cooling at the outer boundary into air.

> restart:


1. Steady-state conduction.

2. System is source free.

3. Constant properties.

4. One-dimensional conduction.

5. Negligible contact resistance between metallic shell and insulation.

6. Negligible radiative heat transfer between insulated surface and its environment.

System parameters.

> syspar:= (r1 = 0.25, r2 = 0.275, k = 0.0017, h2 = 20, Tf2 = 300, hfg = 2e5, rho = 804, Tf1 = 77);

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Heat transfer rate through system.

> Q[sys]:= (Tf1 - Tf2)/Rtotal;

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> Rtotal:= Rins + Rf2;

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> Rins:= 1/(4*Pi*k)*(1/r1 - 1/r2);

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> Rf2:= 1/(h2*A2); A2:= 4*Pi*r2^2;

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> Qsys:= evalf(subs(syspar, Q[sys]), 6);

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The heat transfer rate is from the surroundings through the two resistances which are connected in series into the liquid nitrogen.

Relative magnitude of the two resistances.

> Rins_val:= evalf(subs(syspar, Rins), 5);

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> Rf2_val:= evalf(subs(syspar, Rf2), 5);

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> evalf(Rins_val/Rf2_val, 4);

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The thermal resistance of the insulation is approximately [Maple Math] times greater than the film resistance.

Rate of nitrogen boil-off.

> Q_boil_off = hfg*mdot;

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> mdot:= subs(Q_boil_off = Qsys, syspar, solve(%, mdot))*kg/s;

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