How to Create an Association Between Microsoft Internet
Explorer 2.0 or 3.0 and
an External Viewer
Because Internet Explorer is a Microsoft product, it is able to use
the file type information automatically set up in Windows Explorer
durig the installation process for most software. This means that,
for most applications no additional configuration should be required
to make your external viewer work, once the software has been installed
on your machine.
However, since certain viewer packages may not be as cooperative as
others, the following step-by-step procedure can be used to manually
set up an association between Internet Explorer and an external viewer.
These instructions have been tested for versions 2.0 and 3.0 of Internet
Explorer running under Windows 95 only.
- While running Internet Explorer, click on "Options..."
from the "View" menu
- Choose the "File Types" tab in the "Options" dialog box.
- Go through the list box to locate any Maple or Mathematica file types. If you only have the DOS version of Maple V or Mathematica, don't even bother trying making the association. Microsoft Internet Explorer only supports the Windows version.
- If Maple or Mathematica file types already exist, select the association extension and click on the Edit button to the right of the list box. If not, click on the "New Type" button to the right of the list box and follow the instructions starting at 8.
- A new dialog box called "Edit File Type" should appear. In the "Content Type (MIME)" combo box, type in "application/mapleVR3", "application/mapleVR4" or "application/mathematica" depending on which program you are setting up.
- Click on the "OK" button.
- In the "Description of type" text box, type in "Maple V R3", "Maple V R4" or "Mathematica". In the "Associated extension" text box, type in ".ms" for Maple V R3, ".mws" for Maple V R4 or ".ma" for Mathematica.
- Repeat step #6 and the default extension shuold appear in the "Default Extension for Content" Type combo box.
Note: Maple V Release 4 is able to read ".mws" files as well as ".ms" files. If you have only release 4 on your PC, then you have to go through the process twice, first time entering ".ms" as the extension and ".mws" for the second time.
- Click the "New" button located below the "Actions" list box on the left.
- A new dialog box named "New Action" should appear. In the "Action" text box, type in "open" and in the "Application used to perform action" text box, type in the complete path of the executable file of Maple or Mathematica.
(i.e. C:\MAPLEV4\BIN.WIN\Wmaple32.exe or C:\WNMATH22\Frontend.exe)
- If you are not sure where the executable files reside, click on the "Browse" button just to the right of the text box. A dialog box named "Open With" should appear and you can look for the executable files just like if you were looking for any other file in a Windows environment. After you have found the executable file you want, click the "Open" button at the bottom of the dialog box. Now you should see the complete path and name of the executable file in the text box.
- Click on the "OK" button.
- Click on the "Close" button at the bottom of the "Add New File Type" dialog box.
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Last updated August 18, 1997
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