Maple Tutorial 7:
Two-Dimensional Graphics
M.M. Yovanovich
Two-dimensional graphics.
> restart:
> with(plots):
> plot({sin(x), cos(x)}, x = 0..3*Pi);
> plot({seq(sin(n*x)/n, n = 1..5)}, x = 0..Pi);
> plot(erf(x), x = 0..2.5, title = `plot of error function`);
> plot(BesselJ(0, x), x = 0..10, style=point);
> plot([[1,1], [2,2], [3,2], [4,1]]);
> plot([cos(t), sin(t)/2, t = 0..2*Pi], scaling=constrained);
> p1:= plot(cos(x), x = 0..2*Pi):
> p2:= textplot([3*Pi/2, 0.5, `cos(x)`]):
> display([p1,p2], font = [TIMES, ITALIC, 15], axesfont = [TIMES, ROMAN, 10]);
plot(tanh(x), x = -3..3, title=`Plot of hyperbolic tangent`,
labels=[`x axis`, `y axis`]);
> p11:= plot(sin(x), x = -Pi/2..Pi/2):
> p12:= plot(cos(x), x = -Pi/2..Pi/2):
> p13:= plot(sinh(x), x = -Pi/2..Pi/2):
> p14:= plot(cosh(x), x = -Pi/2..Pi/2):
> display(array(1..2,1..2, [[p11,p12], [p13,p14]]));
Does not look very nice. Perhaps can be improved.
plot([seq(cos(x + n*Pi/8), n = 1..3)],
x = 0..2*Pi, thickness = [1,2,3,4]);
> plot([seq(cos(x + n*Pi/8), n = 1..4)], x = 0..2*Pi, linestyle = [1,2,3,4]);
plot([seq(cos(x + n*Pi/4), n = 1..5)], x = 0..2*Pi,
style=point, symbol=[BOX, CROSS, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, POINT], numpoints=100);
> implicitplot(x^2 + y^2 = 1, x = -1..1, y = -1..1);