Transient Conduction in Plates
M.M. Yovanovich
Transient conduction in plates.
The governing equation is
for all time
in the interval
The initial condition is
and the boundary conditions are
. is the instantaneous local temperature excess.
The input parameters are
. The output parameters are the dimensionless temperature excess
and the heat loss fraction
is the initial internal energy of the plate. The volume of the plate is
The maximum number of terms in the series should be set to a small number such as
. For very small dimensionless time, it may be necessary to increase the maximum
number of terms to achieve three or four digit accuracy.
> restart:
> Nmax:= 3:
> plate:= (Bi = 1.8, Fo = 0.5, zeta = 0.3);
> ce:= x*sin(x) - Bi*cos(x) = 0:
> A:= 2*sin(x)/(x + sin(x)*cos(x)):
> B:= A*sin(x)/x:
> phi:= A*exp(-x^2*Fo)*cos(x*zeta):
> Q_Qi:= B*exp(-x^2*Fo):
> xvals:= [seq(fsolve(subs(plate, ce), x = j*Pi..(j + 1/2)*Pi), j = 0..Nmax)]:
> As:= evalf([seq(subs(x = xvals[j], A), j = 1..Nmax)]):
> Bs:= evalf([seq(subs(x = xvals[j], B), j = 1..Nmax)]):
> phis:= [evalf(seq(subs(plate, x = xvals[j], phi), j = 1..Nmax))]:
> Q_Qis:= [evalf(seq(subs(plate, x = xvals[j], Q_Qi), j = 1..Nmax))]:
> plate_temp:= evalf(add(phis[j], j = 1..Nmax), 6):
> plate_heat_loss:= evalf(1 - add(Q_Qis[j], j = 1..Nmax), 6):
Summary of input and output parameters.
Nmax:= Nmax; plate; phi_plate:= plate_temp;
Q_Qi_plate:= plate_heat_loss;