Transient Conduction in Sphere:
Single Term Approximation
M.M. Yovanovich
One-dimensional transient conduction in solid sphere of radius
. Single term approximation.
The single term approximation is applicable for all values of the Biot number provided the dimensionless time is greater than
The single term approximations have the forms:
where where the Fourier temperature and heat loss fraction coefficients are found from
. The first root of the characteristic equation
are obtained from the approximation
and the parameter
. For cooling the dimensionless temperature is defined as
, and
, and
> restart:
Dimensionless temperature.
> phi:= A[1]*exp(-delta[1]^2*Fo)*sin(delta[1]*zeta)/(delta[1]*zeta);
Heat loss fraction.
> Q_Qi:= 1-B[1]*exp(-delta[1]^2*Fo);
Fourier coefficients for temperature and heat loss fraction.
> A[1]:= 2*(sin(delta[1]) - delta[1]*cos(delta[1]))/(delta[1]-sin(delta[1])*cos(delta[1]));
> B[1]:= 6*Bi^2/(delta[1]^2*(delta[1]^2+Bi^2-Bi));
First root of characteristic equation.
> delta[1]:= Pi/(1+ (Pi/sqrt(3*Bi))^n)^(1/n);
> n:= 2.314;
Dimensionless system parameters.
> pars:= [Bi = h*a/k, Fo=alpha*t/a^2];
Example 1.
> case1:= (a=20/1000, k = 20, h = 100, alpha=20e-6, t = 6);
Calculation of system dimensionless parameters.
> parsvals:= subs(case1, pars);
Dimensionless temperature distribution.
> phi1:= evalf(subs(pars, case1, phi));
Calculation of heat loss fraction.
> Q_Qi1:= evalf(subs(pars, case1, Q_Qi));
> plot(phi1, zeta=0..1);