Resistance in Rectangle
M.M. Yovanovich
Dimensionless resistance in a rectangle of width
, height
, thermal conductivity
. The left boundary at
and the right boundary at
are adiabatic. The upper boundary at
convectively cooled.
This system corresponds to the case where
The lower boundary at
has uniform flux
, and the remainder of that boundary from
is adiabatic. The dimensionless spreading resistance
depends on
in the following manner:
. The dimensionless one-dimensional flow resistance is
, and the dimensionless total resistance is the sum of the spreading resistance and the 1D flow resistance.
> restart:
System parameters.
> nmax:= 30:
> pars:= (epsilon = 0.2, beta = 1/2, Bie = 100);
> term:= 2/(Pi^3*epsilon^2)*sin(n*Pi*epsilon)^2/n^3*((n*Pi + Bie*tanh(n*Pi*beta))/(n*Pi*tanh(n*Pi*beta) + Bie));
> terms:= evalf([seq(subs(pars, term), n=1..nmax)]):
> psi:= add(terms[j], j=1..nmax);
> psi1D:= beta + beta/Bie;
> psi1D1:= evalf(subs(pars, psi1D));
> kR:= psi + psi1D1;
Summary of input and output parameters.
> pars; nmax:= nmax; kR:= kR;