Bessel Functions, Fin Temperature,

Heat Transfer Rate and Resistance

M.M. Yovanovich


Modified Bessel functions with Maple.

How to call and evaluate the four modified Bessel functions [Maple Math] which appear in the temperature distribution and heat flow rate expressions for circular annular fins.

Calculation of fin heat transfer rate and the fin resistance.

> restart:

Modified Bessel functions [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] .

> BesselI(0,1.5); BesselI(1,1.5);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

Modified Bessel functions [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] .

> BesselK(0,1.5); BesselK(1,1.5);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

Temperature distribution in a circular annular fin.

> theta:= thetab*Numer/Denom;

[Maple Math]

> Numer:= BesselI(0, m*r)*BesselK(1, m*r2) + BesselK(0, m*r)*BesselI(1, m*r2);

[Maple Math]

> Denom:= BesselI(0, m*r1)*BesselK(1, m*r2) + BesselK(0, m*r1)*BesselI(1, m*r2);

[Maple Math]

Define the fin parameter [Maple Math] .

> m:= sqrt(2*h/(k*t));

[Maple Math]

Here we define a list of system parameters: inner and outer radii, r1 and r2, fin thickness t, thermal conductivity k, heat transfer coefficient h, and the temperature excess at the fin base, thetab.

> syspar:= (r1 = 5/1000, r2 = 20/1000, h = 15, t = 2/1000, k = 80, thetab = 100);

[Maple Math]

Substitute the system parameters into the temperature distribution.

> theta_fin:= evalf(subs(syspar, theta), 6);

[Maple Math]

Plot of the temperature distribution.

> plot(theta_fin, r =5/1000..20/1000);

[Maple Plot]

We see that the temperature difference [Maple Math] changes slowly from the base of the fin to the tip of the fin.

Fin Resistance.

> Rfin:= thetab/Qfin;

[Maple Math]

Heat Flow Rate.

> m:='m':
Qfin:= 2*Pi*k*r1*t*m*thetab*Num2/Denom2;

[Maple Math]

> Num2:= BesselK(1,m*r1)*BesselI(1,m*r2) - BesselI(1,m*r1)*BesselK(1,m*r2);

[Maple Math]

> Denom2:= BesselK(0,m*r1)*BesselI(1,m*r2) + BesselI(0,m*r1)*BesselK(1,m*r2);

[Maple Math]

> m:= sqrt(2*h/(k*t));

[Maple Math]

Calculate the heat transfer rate for the system parameters given above.

> Qfinval:= evalf(subs(syspar, Qfin), 5)*W;

[Maple Math]

Calculation of fin resistance.

> Rfin:= evalf(subs(syspar, Rfin), 5)*K/W;

[Maple Math]

The heat transfer rate and the fin thermal resistance have been computed for a circular annular fin with adiabatic tip. To account for cooling at the tip it is recommended that the outer radius r2 be replaced by a corrected outer radius r2c where r2c = r2 + t/2.