Transient Conduction in Halfspace: Neumann Problem
M.M. Yovanovich
One-dimensional conduction in halfspace. The equation is
in the halfspace
for time
The initial condition is uniform temperature throughout the halfspace,
. The boundary conditions are (i) as
, and (ii) at the free surface
, the surface flux is prescribed such that
, where
is a constant flux incident on the surface. Laplace transform methods are used to find the solution which is
> restart:
> case1:= (q0=1e4, k=20, alpha=20e-6, Ti = 300);
> T:= Ti + 2*q0/k*sqrt(alpha*t)*exp(-x^2/(4*alpha*t))- (q0*x)/k*erfc(x/(2*sqrt(alpha*t)));
Instantaneous surface temperature rise.
> T0:= expand(simplify(subs(x=0,T)));
Temperature and surface temperature rise for a given problem.
> T1:= subs(case1, T);
> T01:= evalf(subs(case1, T0),6);
Given the time, the temperature and the surface temperature rise can be calculated.
> evalf(subs(t=200, x=30/1000, T1),6);
> evalf(subs(t=200, T01),6);
Given the temperature and the position, the time can be calculated. A numerical solution is required.
> fsolve(subs(x=30/1000, T1) = 348, t);