Radiative Shield Temperature
M.M. Yovanovich
Temperature of a radiative shield placed between two large gray, isothermal surfaces.
The system consists of two large surfaces separated by a single radiation shield.
The temperatures of the isothemal gray surfaces are denoted
, their
radiative properties are denoted
and their surface areas are denoted
The radiation shield is assumed to be very thin and its thermal conductivity is
high. Therefore the temperature drop across the shield is negligible and it's temperature is
. Assume that all surface areas are equal.
> restart:
Surface temperatures.
> temps:= (T1=350, T2=290);
System parameter values.
syspar:= (sigma=5.67e-8, epsilon1=0.8, epsilon2=0.9, epsilon31=0.1, epsilon32=0.1,
F13=1, F32=1, A1=A, A2=A, A3=A, A=1);
Realtion between radiative exchange between surfaces and the shield.
> heatbalance:= Q13-Q32=0;
> Q13:= (Eb1-Eb3)/Rtotal13;
> Q32:= (Eb3-Eb2)/Rtotal32;
Obtain relation for
> Eb3:= solve(heatbalance, Eb3);
> Eb1:= sigma*T1^4; Eb2:= sigma*T2^4;
, we can solve for
. We require the positive real root.
> T3:= (simplify(Eb3/sigma))^(1/4);
> Rtotal13:= Rs1+R13+Rs31;
> Rtotal32:= Rs32+R32+Rs2;
Radiative resistances: surface and spatial.
> resists:= (Rs1= (1-epsilon1)/(A1*epsilon1), Rs2= (1-epsilon2)/(A2*epsilon2), Rs31= (1-epsilon31)/(A3*epsilon31), Rs32= (1-epsilon32)/(A3*epsilon32), R13= 1/(A1*F13), R32= 1/(A3*F32));
Calculation of the shield temperature.
> T3:= evalf(subs(resists, syspar, temps, T3),5);
> temps;