Conduction Shape Factors: Table 4.1
M.M. Yovanovich
Conduction shape factors. Table 4.1 of Incropera and DeWitt.
> restart:
Case 1.
Isothermal sphere od diameter
buried a distance
in semi-infinite medium. The distance and diameter relation is
> S1:= 2*Pi*D/(1-D/(4*z));
> S1val:= evalf(subs(D=1, z=1, S1), 5);
Case 2.
Horizontal isothermal cylinder of diameter
and length
where the length-to-diameter is much greater than 1, buried a distance
in a semi-infinite medium. There are two relations.
> S21:= 2*Pi*L/arccosh(2*z/D);
> S21val:= evalf(subs(L=5, D=1, z=1.5, S21), 5);
> S22:= 2*Pi*L/ln(4*z/D);
> S22val:= evalf(subs(L=5, D=1, z=1.5, S22), 5);
The two relations give comparable results for
Case 3.
Vertical cylinder of diameter
and length
in a semi-infinite medium. The cylinder length-to-diameter must be greater than 5.
> S3:= 2*Pi*L/ln(4*L/D);
> S3val:= evalf(subs(D=0.5, L=5, S3), 5);
Case 4.
Conduction between two isothermal cylinders of common length
and diameters
in infinite medium. The length must be greater than 5 times the larger diameter. The distance between the cylinder axes is
. The cylinder length must be greater than the distance between their axes.
> S4:= 2*Pi*L/arccosh((4*w^2 - D1^2 - D2^2)/(2*D1*D2));
> S4val:= evalf(subs(D1=0.2, D2=0.5, w=1, L=3, S4), 5);
Case 5.
Horizontal circular cylinder of diameter
and length
, midway between parallel planes of equal length and infinite width. The separation distance of the planes is
. The length must be much greater than the distance from cylinder axis to either plane, and the distance from axis to plane must be much greater than the cylinder diameter.
> S5:= 2*Pi*L/ln(8*z/(Pi*D));
> S5val:= evalf(subs(D=0.1, z=0.9, L=3, S5), 5);
Case 6.
Circular cylinder of diameter
and length
centered in a square solid of side dimensions
. The cylinder length must be much greater than the side dimension, and the side dimension must be greater than the cylinder diameter.
> S6:= 2*Pi*L/ln(1.08*w/D);
> S6val:= evalf(subs(D=0.1, w=0.3, L=2, S6), 5);
Case 7.
Eccentric circular cylinder
inside a larger cylindrical solid of diameter
. The length of the two cylinders is
which is much larger than the larger diameter. The distance between cylinder axes is
> S7:= 2*Pi*L/arccosh((D^2+d^2-4*z^2)/(2*D*d));
> S7val:= evalf(subs(d=0.1, D=0.2, z=0.03, L=2, S7),5);
Case 10.
Circular disk of diameter
on the surface of a semi-infinite medium. The free surface of the semi-infinite medium is adiabatic.
> S10:= 2*D;
> S10val:= evalf(subs(D=0.2, S10), 5);
Case 9 and case 10 are not considered in this Maple worksheet.