Shape Factor: Square-in-Square

M.M. Yovanovich


Shape factor for a square cylinder of sides [Maple Math] inside a larger square cylinder of sides [Maple Math] .

The length of the cylinders is [Maple Math] which is much larger than [Maple Math] .

> restart:

Two-Rule Relation.

> S:= 4*Pi*L/ln(1 + Pi/4*((beta/alpha)^2 - 1));

[Maple Math]

Two Correlation Equations Based on Analog Experiments.

For [Maple Math] .

> S1:= 2*Pi*L/(0.93*ln(beta/alpha) - 0.0502);

[Maple Math]

For [Maple Math] .

> S2:= 2*Pi*L/(0.785*ln(beta/alpha));

[Maple Math]

Comparison of Correlation Equations at [Maple Math] .

> Sval:= evalf(subs(L = 1, beta = 1.4*alpha, S), 5);

[Maple Math]

> S1val:= evalf(subs(L = 1, beta = 1.4*alpha, S1), 5);

[Maple Math]

> S2val:= evalf(subs(L = 1, beta = 1.4*alpha, S2), 5);

[Maple Math]

The two expressions obtained from analog experiments give values which differ by approximately [Maple Math] . The anlog values are approximately [Maple Math] greater than the two-rule value which is within [Maple Math] of a theoretical value.