ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Solution of Poisson equation in plane wall with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.
The plane wall has thickness
and constant thermal conductivity
. The volumetric heat sources are constant and uniform at strength
. The boundary at
is adiabatic and the boundary at
is maintained temperature
Obtain the temperature distribution, the maximum temperature at
and the heat transfer rate out of the wall
> restart:
Poisson Equation and Its Solution.
> ode:= diff(T(x), x$2) = - P/k;
> sol:= dsolve(ode, T(x));
> T:= rhs(sol); derT:= diff(T,x);
Dirichlet Boundary Conditions.
> bc1:= subs(x=0, derT) = 0;
> bc2:= subs(x=L, T) = Ts;
Solve for constants of integration.
> consts:= solve({bc1,bc2}, {_C1,_C2});
Assign the constants of integration to get the temperature distribution.
> assign(consts):
> Temp:=expand(T);
Maximum temperature is at
> T[max]:= expand(subs(x=0, Temp));
Heat transfer rates at the two boundaries.
> Q[0]:= expand(k*A*subs(x=0, diff(Temp,x)));
> Q[L]:= expand(- k*A*subs(x=L, diff(Temp,x)));
Check the result by addition of the two relations.
> Q[total]:= Q[0] + Q[L];
The total heat transfer rate from both boundaries is equal to the heat generation rate.