ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Total Thermal Resistance of Plane Wall With Convection
Heating and Cooling.
Derivation and solution of Laplace equation in a plane wall
of thermal conductivity k which is assumed to be constant.
The boundary at x = 0 is heated by a fluid at temperature Tf1
through the heat transfer coefficient h1, and the boundary at
x = L is cooled by a fluid at temperature Tf2 < Tf1 through the
heat transfer coefficient h2.
Find the overall thermal resistance of this system defined as
R = (Tf1 - Tf2)/Q.
> restart:
Q[x]:= - k*A*diff(T(x), x);
#Conduction rate into control volume dV = Adx.
Q[x + dx]:= Q[x] + diff(Q[x], x)*dx;
#Conduction rate out of control volume dV = Adx.
> eq:= (Q[x] - Q[x + dx])/(k*A*dx) = 0;
> sol:= dsolve(eq, T(x)); rhs(sol);
Ts1:= subs(x = 0, rhs(sol));
#Surface temperature at x = 0.
Ts2:= subs(x = L, rhs(sol));
#Surface temperature at x = L.
h1*(Tf1 - Ts1) + k*subs(x = 0, diff(rhs(sol), x)) = 0;
- k*subs(x = L, diff(rhs(sol), x)) - h2*(Ts2 - Tf2) = 0;
solve({bc1, bc2}, {_C1, _C2});
> assign(consts);
> sol;
Q:= - k*A*diff(rhs(sol), x);
Heat transfer rate through system. Maple does not simplify
the expression.
Overall thermal resistance of the system.
R[total]:= simplify((Tf1 - Tf2)/Q);
R[total]:= expand(R[total]);
This looks better.
The overall resistance of the system consists of three resistances in series:
the two film resistances and the wall resistance.