ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Problem 3 of Midterm Exam, October 1990.
Trapezoidal conductor as shown in Fig. 3. The ends are isothermal
at temperatures T1 and T2; while the top and bottom surfaces are
adiabatic. The thermal conductivity is k.
The thickness at one end is 2 a, and the thickness at the other
end is 2 b. The length of the trapezoid is L where L >> b - a.
Steady-state, constant properties, no heat sources present.
> restart:
a) Find shape factor per unit width of system shown in Figure 3.
Use resistance for differential control volume.
> dR:= dx/(k*A);
> R:= Int(1/(k*A), x = 0..L);
> S:= 1/(k*R);
> A:= 2*y*w;
> w:= 1; y:= a + (b - a)*x/L;
> R:= int(dR/dx, x = 0..L);
> R:= (ln(b/a)*L)/(2*k*(b - a));
> S:= 1/(k*R);
Alternative solution using the hint given in the problem.
A change of variable from x to u where u = a + (b - a) x/L.
dx = L/(b - a) du.
Limits on u are u = a when x = 0 and u = b when x = L.
> R2:= Int(L/(2*w*k*u*(b - a)), u = a..b);
> R2:= value(%);
> R2:= (1/2)*L*ln(b/a)/(k*(b - a));
b) Determine the steady-state temperature distribution using
Fourier's law of conduction at the arbitrary plane x.
> restart:
Separate the variables T and x and integrate over appropriate limits.
> LHS:= `Q/(k*A)`; RHS:= - Diff(T(x), x);
> intLHS:= Int(Q/(k*A), x = 0..zeta);
> intRHS:= Int(- 1, T = T1..temp);
> A:= 2*y*w; w:= 1; y:= a + (b - a)*x/L;
Integrate the left and right-hand sides. Use zeta to represent
the variable x at the upper limit and let temp represent the variable
temperature at the position zeta.
> intLHS:= value(intLHS);
> intRHS:= value(intRHS);
Equate the two sides and solve for temp.
> temp:= solve(intLHS - intRHS = 0, temp);
The heat transfer rate through the system can be obtained from the
shape factor or the resistance of the system.
> Q:= k*S*(T1 - T2); S:= 2*(b - a)/L/ln(b/a);
Now solve for the temperature distribution.
> temp:= temp;
Obtain the alternative form of the solution from above relation by inspection.
Now replace zeta by x and temp by T to get the solution.
> T:= T1 - (T1 - T2)*ln((1 + (b/a)*x/L - x/L))/ln(b/a);
Check of the temperature distribution at x = 0
where T = T1 and x = L where T = T2.
> `T(0)`:= simplify(subs(x = 0, T));
> `T(L)`:= simplify(subs(x = L, T));
The solution is correct.