ME 353 Heat Transfer 1

M.M. Yovanovich


Problem 2 of Midterm Exam, October 1990.


Plane wall of thickness D, thermal conductivity k, with

distributed volumetric heat sources qdot.

Left boundary is exposed to net incident flux q0pp,

and the right boundary is convectively cooled by a fluid

whose temperature is Tf, through a uniform heat transfer

coefficient h.

Steady-state, constant properties, negligible radiation

heat transfer.


> restart:

a) Derive differential equation by means of heat balance on

differential control volume.

Derive the boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = D by means

of heat balances on differential control volumes at the boundaries.

Using the notation of the exam and from Incropera and DeWitt.

> q[x]:= - k*A*diff(T(x), x);

[Maple Math]

> q[x + dx]:= q[x] + diff(q[x], x)*dx;

[Maple Math]

> q[gen]:= qdot*A*dx;

[Maple Math]

> eq:=
expand((q[x] + q[gen] - q[x + dx])/(k*A*dx)) = 0;

[Maple Math]

> q[`in`]:= qo_pp*A;

[Maple Math]

> q_pp:= - k*A*diff(T(x), x);

[Maple Math]

> bc0:= expand((q[`in`] - q_pp)/(k*A)) =0;

[Maple Math]

> q_ppConvection:= h*A*(T(x) - T[f]);

[Maple Math]

> bcD:= expand((q_pp - q_ppConvection)/(k*A)) = 0;

[Maple Math]

Summary of part a) in conventional form.

> ode:= diff(T(x), x, x) = - qdot/k;

[Maple Math]

> bc0:= diff(T(x), x) = - q0_pp/k;

[Maple Math]

> bcD:= diff(T(x), x) = - (h/k)*(T(x) - T[f]);

[Maple Math]

b) Obtain the temperature distribution in the plane wall.

> sol:= dsolve(ode, T(x));

[Maple Math]

> dersol:= diff(rhs(sol), x);

[Maple Math]

> bc1:=
subs(x = 0, dersol) = - q0_pp/k;

[Maple Math]

> bc2:=
subs(x = D, dersol) = - (h/k)*(subs(x = D, rhs(sol)) - T[f]);

[Maple Math]

> consts:= solve({bc1, bc2}, {_C1, _C2}):

> assign(consts);

> temp:= expand(sol);

[Maple Math]

Alternative form of the solution.

> temp2:= T[f] + (qdot*D + q0_pp)/h +
(1/2)*qdot*(D^2 - x^2)/k + q0_pp*(D - x)/k;

[Maple Math]

c) Determine the heat transfer rate per unit area at x = D

using three methods:

i) Fourier's rate equation,

ii) Newton's cooling law,

iii) Overall thermal energy balance.

> Q_D1:= expand(subs(x = D, - k*A*diff(rhs(temp), x)));

[Maple Math]

> Q_D2:= expand(subs(x = D, h*A*(rhs(temp) - T[f])));

[Maple Math]

> Q_D3:= expand(q0_pp*A + qdot*A*D);

[Maple Math]

All three methods give the same relation.