ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Problem 1 of Midterm Exam, October 1996.
The system consists of two plane walls in mechanical contact along
their interface. The thicknesses are L1 and L2, and the thermal
conductivities are k1 and k2 respectively. The contact conductance
is hc. The left boundary of the system is exposed to a uniform heat
flux qi. The right boundary looses heat by convection and radiation
through a film coefficient hconv and an equivalent radiation film
coefficient hrad. The fluid temperature and the surrounding temperature
are equal.
The heat transfer through the system is steady-state.
The thermophysical properties are constant.
The temperature at the left boundary of the system is T1 and
the temperature of the right boundary of the system is T3.
The interface temperatures are T2 and T2prime where T2 > T2prime.
The fluid and surrounding temperatures are Tinfinity.
> restart:
a) and b) There are three resistances in series: R1, Rc and R2
which are in series with the convection and radiation resistances
which are in parallel.
There are five temperature nodes: T1, T2, T2prime, T3 and Tinfty.
The throughput is the heat transfer rate Q = qi*A.
d) Temperature relationships.
> T1:= Tinfty + Qi*Rtotal;
Tinfty + Qi*(Rc + R2 + 1/(1/Rconv + 1/Rrad));
Tinfty + Qi*(R2 + 1/(1/Rconv + 1/Rrad));
Tinfty + Qi/(1/Rconv + 1/Rrad);
> #Heat flow rate through composite wall.
> Qi:= qi*A;
c) Component and total resistances of the system.
> R1:= L1/(k1*A); #Resistance of wall 1.
> Rc:= 1/(hc*A); #Contact resistance.
> R2:= L2/(k2*A); #Resistance of wall 2.
> Rconv:= 1/(hconv*A); #Convection resistance.
> Rrad:= 1/(hrad*A); #Radiation resistance.
> Rtotal:= R1 + Rc + R2 + 1/(1/Rconv + 1/Rrad);
> #Total resistance of the system.
> `T1 - Tinfty`:= expand(T1 - Tinfty);
> `T2 - Tinfty`:= expand(T2 - Tinfty);
> `T3 - Tinfty`:= simplify(T3 - Tinfty);
Dimensionless temperature distributions within the two walls.
Use local coordinates: wall 1: 0 <= x <= L1; wall 2: 0 <= x <= L2.
#Dimensionless temperature distribution
#within wall 1 where 0 <= x <= L1.
> `(T1 - T(x))/(T1 - Tinfty)`:=
> subs(A = 1, Qi*x/(k1*A) /(Qi*Rtotal));
#Dimensionless temperature distribution
#within wall 2 where 0 <= x <= L2.
> `(T(x) - T3)/(T1 - Tinfty)`:=
> subs(A = 1, Qi*(L2 - x)/(k2*A)/(Qi*Rtotal));
Observe that the heat transfer area is common to all terms
in the numerator and the denominator. It can be factored
from the above results by setting A = 1.