ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Problem 1 of Midterm Exam, October 1993.
Two plane walls of thickness: L1 and L2;
thermal conductivity: k1 and k2 are in perfect contact.
Distributed volumetric heat sources within first plane wall
of strength P.
Left boundary of first plane wall is insulated, and right
boundary of second plane wall is cooled by a fluid of
temperature Tf through heat transfer coefficient h.
Steady-state, constant properties.
Resistance concept is used to get temperature drops.
> restart:
1. The temperature distribution within the first plane wall is
parabolic because it has distributed volumetric heat sources,
and the temperature distribution in the second plane wall is linear
because it is source free.
The maximum temperature Tmax occurs at the insulated boundary
in the first plane wall.
2. Obtain the expression which relates the temperature drop
across the thermal boundary layer (Ts - Tf) in terms of the
parameters P, L1and h.
> `Ts - Tf`:= Q*Rf;
> Q:= P*L1*A; Rf:= 1/(h*A);
> DeltaTs_Tf:= Q*Rf;
3. Obtain the expression which relates the temperature drop
across the second plane wall (Ti - Ts) in terms of the
parameters P, L1, L2 and k2.
> restart:
> `Ti - Ts`:= Q*Rs2;
> Q:= P*A*L1; Rs2:= L2/(k2*A);
> DeltaTi_Ts:= Q*Rs2;
4. Obtain the expression which relates the temperature drop
across the first plane wall (Tmax - Ti) in terms of the
parameters P, L1 and k1.
> `Tmax - Ti`:= Q*Rs1/2;
> Q:= P*A*L1; Rs1:= L1/(k1*A);
> DeltaTmax_Ti:= Q*Rs1/2;