ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Problem 3 of Final Examination, December 9, 1996.
See the problem statement.
Define the heat generation rate due to ohmic heating and the convection
loss for a wire of length L.
> Qgen:= Current^2*R_elect;
#Units of Current are amperes.
#Units of R_elect are ohms.
> Qloss:= h*S*(Ts - Tf);
> #S is the total convection surface.
> #Ts = surface temperature and Tf = fluid temperature.
At thermal equilibrium, these two quantities are equal.
Solve for the current.
rts:= solve(Qgen = Qloss, Current);
#There are two roots.
Take the positive root and substitute for the various parameters.
> Current1:= rts[1];
The electrical resistance of a wire of length L and area A and electrical
resistivity rhoe is
R_elect:= rhoe*L/A;
#Units of electrical resistivity are ohm-m.
Define the wire surface and cross-section areas.
> S:= Pi*D*L; A:= Pi/4*D^2;
From the definition of the Nusselt number obtain the
heat transfer coefficient.
> h:= k*NuD/D;
Replace the Nusselt number by the general correlation
equation of Hilpert.
The correlation coefficients C and m depend on the range of the
Reynolds number.
> NuD:= C*ReD^m*Pr^(1/3);
> Current2:= Current1;
Define the Reynolds number.
> ReD:= rho*U*D/mu;
> Current3:= Current2;
The arbitrary wire length L can be removed by setting L = 1.
> Current4:= subs(L = 1, Current3);
Specify the air properties and the wire properties.
(k = 0.0300, cp = 1009, mu = 208.2*10^(-7),
rho = 0.9950, Pr = 0.700,Ts = 117, Tf = 37);
> wire:= (D = 0.6/1000, L = 1, rhoe = 16.67*10^(-6)/100);
For the Reynolds number range: 40 < ReD < 4000, the correlation coefficients
are C = 0.683, m = 0.466.
> corr_coef:= (C = 0.683, m = 0.466);
(a) Obtain relationship between the current and the air velocity.
evalf(subs(air_prop, wire, corr_coef, Current4), 4);
#The units of the velocity are m/s and
#for the current they are amperes.
(b) Calculate the current required when the air velocity is 30 m/s.
> Current6:= evalf(subs(U = 30, Current5), 4);
Check the value of the Reynolds number.
> ReD1:= evalf(subs(U = 30, air_prop, wire, ReD), 5);
The above value of the Reynolds number lies in the required range.