ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
M.M. Yovanovich
Problem 1 of Final Examination, December 9, 1996.
See the problem statement.
> restart:
Specify the brick properties and dimensions.
Assume L1 < L2 < L3.
(L1 = 50/2000, L2 = 80/2000, L3 = 180/2000,
k = 1.0, rho = 2000, cp = 960);
Specify the conditions of the problem.
> case1:= (h = 60, Ti = 1500, Tf = 300, t = 60*60);
Define the three sets of Fourier and Biot numbers.
Use the half-thickness of each side as the characteristic lengths.
Fo1:= alpha*t/L1^2; Fo2:= alpha*t/L2^2;
Fo3:= alpha*t/L3^2;
> Bi1:= h*L1/k; Bi2:= h*L2/k; Bi3:= h*L3/k;
Define the thermal diffusivity parameter.
> alpha:= k/(rho*cp);
(a) Can the lumped capacitance method be used to
calculate the cooling rate?
Check the magnitude of the Biot number.
> Bi_lumped:= h*V/A;
> V:= 2*L1*2*L2*2*L3;
> A:= 2*(L1*L2 + L1*L3 + L2*L3);
Calculate the Biot number based on the lumped capacitance model.
> Bi_lumped1:= evalf(subs(brick, case1, Bi_lumped), 4);
Since the value is much greater than 0.2, the lumped capacitance
method cannot be used in this problem.
(b) Compute the temperature at the center of the brick.
First compute the three values of the Fourier and Biot numbers
to see whether the first term approximation can be used.
evalf(subs(brick, case1, [Fo1, Fo2, Fo3]), 4);
evalf(subs(brick, case1, [Bi1, Bi2, Bi3]), 4);
Since all values of the Fourier number are greater than 0.2,
the first term can be used to give accurate results.
The superposition principle can be used. Therefore the
dimensionless temperature of the brick is equal to the
product of three plane wall solutions.
> phi['brick']:= phi1*phi2*phi3;
The general plane wall solution is according to the problem
A1*exp(- delta1^2*Fo)*cos(delta1*zeta);
2*sin(delta1)/(delta1 + sin(delta1)*cos(delta1));
Pi/2/(1 + (Pi/2/sqrt(Bi))^n)^(1/n);
> n:= 2.139;
Dimensionless position is zeta = x/L where 0 <= zeta <= 1.
> 'zeta' = 'x/L';
Compute the three values of the eigenvalues corresponding to the lengths
L1, L2 and L3.
[evalf(seq(subs(Bi = Bi_vals[j], delta1),
j = 1..3), 6)];
Compute the three values of the first Fourier coefficient A1.
[evalf(seq(subs(delta1 = delta_vals[j], A1),
j = 1..3), 6)];
Compute the three values of the dimensionless temperature.
Set zeta = 0 for each plane wall solution.
[evalf(seq(subs(brick, case1, zeta = 0,
Fo = Fo_vals[j], Bi = Bi_vals[j], phi),
j = 1..3), 6)];
Compute the dimensionless temperature at the brick center after 6 minutes
of cooling by taking the product of the three plane wall results.
Compute the temperature at the brick center.
evalf(phi_vals[1]*phi_vals[2]*phi_vals[3], 4);
> T_center:= Tf + (Ti - Tf)*phi0;
evalf(subs(case1, phi0 = phi_brick, T_center), 4);
> T_centerC:= evalf(T_centerK - 273.2, 4);
(c) The smallest dimension controls the cooling rate of the brick.
Observe that the dimensionless temperature of the brick is closer to
the value for the thinnest plane wall.
The cooling rate is controlled by the exponential function which depends
strongly on the Fourier number.
Summary of the results.
> `Bi lumped` = Bi_lumped1;
> `Fourier numbers` = Fo_vals;
> `Biot numbers` = Bi_vals;
> `eigenvalues` = delta_vals;
> `Fourier coefficients` = A1_vals;
> `phi values` = phi_vals;
> `phi brick` =phi_brick;
> `T_brick_center_K` = T_centerK*K;
> `T_brick_center_C` = T_centerC*C;