Laplace Transform Method:

Ordinary Differential Equation

M.M. Yovanovich


> restart:

> assume(m>0,n>0):

> ode:= diff(theta(t),t) + m*theta(t)=0;

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> sol:= dsolve(ode, theta(t));

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> ic:=simplify(subs(t=0, rhs(sol)))=thetai;

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> assign(ic);

> sol;

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> with(inttrans):

> alias(f(s) = laplace(theta(t),t,s)):

> laplace(ode, t,s);

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> lptode:= subs(theta(0) = thetai, %);

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> solve(%, f(s));

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> sol2:= invlaplace(%, s, t);

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Here we obtain the solution directly by means of the Laplace transform method.

> sol3:= dsolve({ode, theta(0)=thetai}, theta(t), method=laplace);

[Maple Math]
