Finite Difference Methods

Date Topic Link
June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Developments. HTML
Maple V R4
June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Developments. HTML
Maple V R4
June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. General one-dimensional equation for constant cross-section system HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Dirichlet boundary conditions. HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Neumann and Robin boundary conditions. HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Poisson equation with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Poisson equation in a rod with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite volume solution of Poisson equation in a circular cylinder with Robin and Neumann conditions HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite volume method. Application to pin fin. HTML
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June 24, 1998 Finite difference method. Fin of constant cross-section with uniform heat transfer coefficient, isothermal base and adiabatic tip HTML
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June 24, 1998 Numerical solution of radial fin. Five control volumes HTML
Maple V R4