Problem 2: ME 303 Spring 1998
M.M. Yovanovich
Solution for Problem 2.
> restart:
(a) Nondimensionalize the PDE with
Transformation of the terms
> ux:= diff(u(zeta,tau),zeta)*diff(zeta(x),x);
> uxx:= diff(u(zeta,tau),zeta,zeta)*diff(zeta(x),x)^2;
> ut:= diff(u(zeta,tau),tau)*diff(tau(t),t);
into the PDE.
zeta:=x-> x/L; diff(zeta(x),x);
tau:= t->alpha*t/L^2;
u(zeta,tau):= phi(zeta,tau)*u[ref];
Transformations of space and time terms of PDE.
> uxx:= uxx;
> ut:= ut;
Substitute into the dimensional PDE to get nondimensional PDE:
> pdend:= uxx + P/k - ut/alpha = 0;
Multiply through by
to get another form of the PDE.
> pde2:= expand(L^2/u[ref]*pdend);
(b) Select the arbitrary reference temperature
such that the source term becomes 1.
> u[ref]:= L^2*P/k;
(c) Specify the nondimensional steady-state ODE and the boundary conditions, and obtain the solution.
The steady-state ODE is obtained from the transient PDE by setting the transient term to zero. The two steady-state boundary conditions are obtained from the conditions:
. They are
odes:= diff(phis(zeta),zeta,zeta) + 1 = 0;
> sol:= dsolve(odes, phis(zeta));
> bc1:= subs(zeta = 0, diff(rhs(sol),zeta)) = 0;
> bc2:= subs(zeta = 1, rhs(sol)) = 0;
> consts:= solve({bc1,bc2},{_C1,_C2});
> assign(consts):
> sol:= sol;
(d) >From the nondimensional steady-state solution determine the dimensionless heat transfer rates at the two boundaries defined as
> Qstar[0]:= -subs(zeta =0, diff(rhs(sol),zeta));
> Qstar[1]:= -subs(zeta =1, diff(rhs(sol),zeta));
The boundary at
is adiabatic and all of the heat generated inside the system leaves through the right boundary.