Thermodynamics 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Waterloo
Spring, 1998

1. Course Overview: A brief summary of course requirements, schedules and reference materials.
2. Course Outline: A list of topics discussed during ME 354 and the chapters within "Engineering Thermodynamics" that pertain to these topics.
3. Lab Notes: A description of the ME 354 lab on the Refrigeration Cycle is presented. A general introduction is given stating the purpose of the lab. A step by step procedure is presented for completing the lab.
4. Thermodynamics
Models and
A selection of public domain software tools and models that are helpful for demonstrating thermodynamics principles and solving the assigned problem sets.
5. Links to Other
Thermodynamics Sites:
A collection of interesting web sites containing thermodynamics related information.
6. Weekly Tutorial
A list of topics covered in the weekly tutorial sessions.

7. Assignments
by assignment
by chapter:
by topic:
8. Old Exams

All web page HTML © by Richard Culham
Most recent update: 12-01-99